Sports Medical Forms are part of the two-step registration process and may require a doctor’s visit. Students will not be able to try out for or participate in any sport until their medical form is received, reviewed, and cleared.
Deadlines for submitting all registration materials, including the required sports medical forms will be communicated for each season and posted on each sport's informational webpage. However, if your student is considering trying out for any sport at TMS, you can drop off the medical forms over the summer. Summer office hours are 8:00 - 3:00pm. Over the summer, please use the field entrance, closest to Tenafly Road. You may call ahead to make arrangements to drop off your forms: 201 816 4900, Option 9.
These forms are different from the Universal Medical Forms. If your child would like to participate, these forms are in addition to the required Universal medical form.
1) Step ONE - Sports Medical Forms: Print and complete a hard copy of either the PPE or HHQ - click forms to download:
- A PPE (pre-participation physical examination) medical form must be submitted by students who need to provide us with an updated sports physical exam (ex: students whose sports physical has expired and is therefore no longer valid.)
- An HHQ (Health History Questionnaire) medical form must be submitted by students who already have a “valid” sports physical exam on file with us (ex: a sports physical exam which has been done within 364 days prior to the start of the sport season in which they wish to participate) Most students who participate in a Fall Sport and have the PPE on file, usually only need this form for Spring sports.
2) Step TWO - On-line Registration in the Genesis Parent Portal: Register your student through the Forms tab on the Genesis Parent Portal. Registration deadlines will be communicated for each season.